Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Single Women and the Gender Gap

Hello, all!

Our discussion today about the gender gap reminded me of a great article that I read last year about the increasing demographic shift from married women to single women, and how that will affect politics. For example: "Today, only around 20 percent of Americans ages 18–29 are wed, compared to nearly 60 percent in 1960."

The author of the article, Rebecca Traister, argues that the significance of this shift in our political climate is that our politics will be dominated by "adult women who are no longer economically, socially, sexually, or reproductively dependent on or defined by the men they marry."

Without giving the entire article away, because I do think it is a very interesting read, I also am quite fond of this quote: "[Women] are [not marrying] because they have internalized assumptions that just a half-century ago would have seemed radical: that it’s okay for them not to be married; that they are whole people able to live full professional, economic, social, sexual, and parental lives on their own if they don’t happen to meet a person to whom they want to legally bind themselves."

As a bonus, there is also an entertaining (or disheartening) video going around social media showing a selection of clips displaying sexism on cable news:

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