Friday, November 4, 2016

Louis C.K., Michael Moore, Hillary Clinton, and the rise of benevolent sexism in liberal men

This is an interesting article that touches on themes of our class like women's alleged moral superiority and what that means for women in politics. The author says about comedian Louis C.K.'s recent comments on a Hillary Clinton presidency: "he’s trying to compliment mothers in general and Hillary in particular, and to reframe the political liability of her gender into an asset. But he’s playing into a very old and unpleasant narrative that’s become weirdly popular among liberal men this election cycle: the idea that we need women in government because they are intrinsically morally superior to men. Women should be represented in our government, this story goes, not because they are people, but because they are better than people: They are angelic; they are virtuous; they are pure."

The article also discusses the erasure of women in our political conscious in general.

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