Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Women's Spaces Article, Both On and Off of the Internet

Hey everyone! I found an applicable article to what we talked about today about how we all wanted to know about how Lois Capps experienced camaraderie between female representatives. This article comes from a little known feminist website but I thought it was cool because Hillary Clinton took the time to write it and compare how spaces need to be made for women on the internet as well.



  1. Thanks for posting this Jo. I enjoyed learning about the issues noted in your post, from such an influential politician and leader in our country. It was really interesting learning about Hillary Clinton's own experiences in Congress. As she noted directly, "women have had to forge their own paths against overwhelming odds and less-than-friendly welcomes". It was surprising that even in 2001, Hillary was only " one of just 13 women" in the Senate.

  2. Jo, this was really cool. I definitely appreciate the relation to our discussion about Lois Capps, and it's especially interesting that this was from Hillary Clinton. I think that sometimes women supporting each other in politics can be seen as an oversimplification, as if we have to support a woman candidate with our votes and ignore our disagreements with their policy simply because she is a woman. This was certainly a prevalent argument during the primary race between Hillary and Bernie. But I think what this letter shows is that we can support other women without necessarily agreeing with their policies, as these women do across the aisle. It's more about relating our similarities after having faced the same challenges than it is focusing on our differences.
