Sunday, October 16, 2016

If we repealed the 19th Amendment, we'd join a party of...One

This article gives a good commentary on the strange recent push to repeal the 19th Amendment. It's interesting to see how willing some people are to advocate for repealing an amendment when they are the same group the up holds the idea of the Constitution so tightly.

1 comment:

  1. This article definitely brings some much needed perspective as to what this call to repeal the 19th really means. I particularly liked the quote, "As long as they were winning, the rules made perfect sense. As soon as they started to lose, the rules were stupid and unfair and should definitely, for sure, be changed." It reminded me of the public reaction when Ruth Bader Ginsburg was asked how many women supreme court justices she would want and she responded, "Nine." To many, that was seen as extraordinarily radical. 'An all women supreme court?? It would be so biased towards women's issues!!!' And yet, we had an all male supreme court for the majority of our history, and it was rarely criticized for being biased towards men's issues during the times.
