Monday, October 24, 2016

Women Activists in Poland- Feminism as a Political Movement

Here is a link to a news story about women activists and their protests in Poland. They are continuing their protest against the extremely strict abortion laws in very Catholic Poland that was successful on 'Black Monday' earlier this month (for more information on Black Monday: 

For this protest, "women also stayed away from work and school and refused to do domestic chores, in a protest inspired by a women's strike in Iceland in 1975." I think that this is a significant news story on its own, as these women are undoubtedly making history, and the demonstration of solidarity in this strike is inspiring. 

However, it is also interesting in relation to Caitlyn's post about feminism as a political movement, and Steph's comment on that post as well. For these women in Poland, feminism is most obviously a political movement. And, it has to be political for a significant portion of these women for the protests and strikes to have an effect. I think Steph was right to say that perceiving feminism as more of a personal than political movement could be celebrated because it means that we have no need for protests like these to retain our freedoms in America. But personally, I believe feminism is also believing in the equality of all women, and this goes beyond our borders. And when you look beyond those, you see the struggles of the women in Poland, trans women everywhere, and so many other areas where political activism is still needed for progress. So, perhaps we are not yet ready for feminism to be just personal. As Steph said, "this assumption would lead us to stop pushing change and may forever hold true feminist society at bay."

1 comment:

  1. Another article regarding womens' political activism in Europe in the news:
