Tuesday, October 18, 2016

"Feminism is not a political movement."

I stumbled upon this article from almost a year ago and was really intrigued by this quote from the article and thought it'd be fun to share with you all. What do you think about the ideas that this quote proposes and what does it mean for the so called movement going on right now?



  1. I liked the issues that this article raised about how feminism is much less of a collective movement than it used to be. I think it is a very common thing for our generation to not see feminism as political because we have not grown up with the more visible struggles of the collective oppression that the feminist movement combatted, like rallies and protests. I think, unlike what this article states, that feminism is starting to come back to become a more political movement about personal freedoms with the rise of slut walks and more collective events to stop the rape culture that pervades our society.

  2. I thought the last sentence of this article was compelling: "Clearly, people believe in feminist ideals — just not feminist labels."If we disassociate feminism from progressive, political movements, does it somehow lose it power? Ideally all social movements succeed when the need for them goes away. If everyone in our society was a feminist, we wouldn't need to stage protests and create commotion (think the US women's soccer team protesting their unequal wages). This may seem to be the ideal. However I think it is dangerous to assume we live in a feminist society when we don't yet, as much as we would like to. This assumption would lead us to stop pushing change and may forever hold true feminist society at bay.
