Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Presidential Debate Article: "Mansplaining"

Hi friends!


Here's an article by the Washington Post that goes over some of the highlights of the debate last night. I thought it was an interesting and compelling read and certainly reminded me of our first class where we talked at length about the negative stereotyping and heuristics that are often employed against women, especially women in politics.

Thought it was relevant!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eric, thanks for posting these interesting perspectives. It was concerning to see that even in the debates, many of the discussions that we had about negative stereotyping against women were relevant. As noted in the article Donald Trump was extremely rude to Hillary: he "was defensive, he was boorish, he interrupted and interrupted again — 51 times, by one count". Although I am a bit concerned that the author of this article generalized about men by saying that "many men try to demonstrate their supremacy simply by pretending you’re not in the room and drowning you out", I do recognize that at times throughout the debate, Donald Trump seemed to match this negative stereotype. An interesting read, nonetheless.
