Wednesday, December 7, 2016

East Side Sushi

Image result for east side sushi

Over Thanksgiving break, I watched a part of this movie with my family that we happened to stumble upon on TV. As I was watching it, I realized how pertinent the themes of the movie fits with our class! It's called East Side Sushi and it's about a Latina woman, Juana, who wants to become a sushi chef while she is working in a Japanese restaurant as an underpaid kitchen assistant. However, the very traditional, male Japanese owner refused to promote her even though she demonstrated her passion and self-taught skill. As a woman of color, Juana faced double discrimination by her gender and racial discrimination from her boss.

I don't want to give away the whole plot, but I would say it's a movie that I highly recommend for you to watch with your friends and family over break! (It has a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes!) Click on the link to watch the trailer!

1 comment:

  1. Roselyn, thanks for sharing this. The trailer was really interesting, I'll keep in on my "to watch list" for after finals. Its interesting to learn that the movie includes both gender and racial discrimination, topics we have touched upon extensively in class. This looks great!
