Thursday, December 1, 2016

Her Loss - Collection of NYTimes Opinions

Some of you may have seen this already, but these are a series of extremely moving and well-written opinion articles from New York Times staff. This paragraph from the first really spoke to me (and I think it will resonate with a lot of you too) in describing the emotion that came after Hillary's loss:

"I cried because I want my daughters to feel that blazing pride, that affirmation of their boundless capacity — not from their husbands, but from their world, from the atmosphere, from inviolable wells of certainty inside themselves. I cried because it’s not fair, and I’m so tired, and every woman I know is so tired. I cried because I don’t even know what it feels like to be taken seriously — not fully, not in that whole, unequivocal, confident way that’s native to handshakes between men. I cried because it does things to you to always come second."

Check it out here:

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