Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Presidential Debate Article: "Mansplaining"

Hi friends!


Here's an article by the Washington Post that goes over some of the highlights of the debate last night. I thought it was an interesting and compelling read and certainly reminded me of our first class where we talked at length about the negative stereotyping and heuristics that are often employed against women, especially women in politics.

Thought it was relevant!

Voting RIghts Today

The League of Women Voters argues that voter ID laws disproportionately impact women.  See here for an article about that topic and here for a piece from NPR.  In addition, voter identification laws can create barriers to voting to people whose gender identity does not match their government-issued IDs.  Take a look at this report from the Williams Institute and these materials from the National Center for Transgender Equality.

BuzzFeed Article

Hi All,

I found this article written by the hard-hitting journalists over at BuzzFeed a few weeks ago. It highlights important female activists, suffragists, and other cool women who are not necessarily taught in school curriculum's. I read more about them after seeing this article and I was moved by these women, their stories, and their activism.

Check them out here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahjewell/shoutout-to-zenobia?utm_term=.qda1ZjVAx#.boArAwgoR 

Monday, September 26, 2016

International Women's Suffrage

If you're curious about the international movement for women's suffrage, you might take a look at this timeline and this graph.  It's interesting to see when women gained the vote in various countries.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Suffrage movement in popular culture

I'm always curious about the way that the suffrage movement is represented in popular culture, since those images shape public memory.  Here are two examples-- can you think of others?

Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" parody:

And the "Sister Suffragette" song from the 1964 Walt Disney Classic, Mary Poppins: